
The best bot for Farmerama

We invite you to use Farm Helper, your best helper, your best friend for Farmerama. Who can help you in a better way? It will make everthing for you. It will prepare the field, make the fertilization, water the field and harvest it. It can help you with the cattle breeding, water and feed them. The program can check your reserves and suggest you what you can sell. Check the third edition of Farm Helper, because it never sleeps and work 24 hour for you.

-> Create a Revolut account <- it is only 3-5 minutes and you will help us pay for servers for the next year. In addition, you will receive € 10 for setting up an account

That is how long the current version of the bot should work
Check the market number:
The minimal requirements are the Windows XP and a installation of Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2017

How work Farm Helper ?

You install Farm Helper 3 on your device. It will help you whenever you can not work on the farm on your own. It will prepare the field, make the fertilization, water the field and harvest it. It can help you with the cattle breeding, water and feed them. The program can check your reserves and suggest you what you can sell.

You get some help in the installation in your forum

If you do not want to check the forum you can use the pdf booklet

or the automatic configuration .


FarmHelper: v.

Get the app:
ZIP (packed)
MSI (instalation)

  • Extended version until October 01, 2025

    To get the premium version

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    FarmHelper Premium: v.

    Get the app:
    ZIP (packed)
    MSI (instalation)
  • Extended version until October 01, 2025 (I will send the login to every donator on his mail account)
    The premium version is only for donators who help us with some fees. They get in the premium version some extra futures like:
    Handling for the fair ground Renzo
    Transfer of goods in the same market
    Sending of presents like "Gift & Trade"
    Handling of the game "Detective"

    The premium version has no actualization on every improvement of the Helper, but only after actualization's of the Farmerama itself or after running out of dateline.
    There are no fees regulations, everybody is doing it on his own opinion.
    We can not take the responsibility for closing the Farm Helper by Farmerama itself.
    We can not refund the fees you make, because we spend them for running the servers and so on.
    Plesae send not your ID with a donation to us, because you get the premium version on your mail and it will work with all your accounts.
    Please give us 36 hour to send your premium account information after a donation, otherwise contact us on:
    Please check you mail account and put our address on the white list, so our information will not spend time in the spam box. You will save our and your time !!!
    Check also the pay pal mail account, because our information for the free account will get there if you paid this way.
    Download the beta application

    Donation in free currency -
    Multi-currency account:
    IBAN: LT21 3250 0607 2351 6480

    Attention! You will use FarmHelper on your own risk, because it is not conform with the Farmerama regulations
    FFarmerama is a browser game owned by BigPoint GmbH in Hamburg
  • stat4u